This simple schedule provides the showtime of upcoming and past programs playing on the network CCTV4-China Central TV otherwise known as CCTV4. The show schedule is provided for up to 3 weeks out and you can view up to 2 weeks of show play history.
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Following the track of our ancestors to identify and interpret mysteries and cultural implications contained in physical and human geographies. Discoveries focuses on the historical, geographical and cultural discoveries in China.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Presents to viewer a considerable amount of information.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Current affairs for viewers across Asia.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Following the track of our ancestors to identify and interpret mysteries and cultural implications contained in physical and human geographies. Discoveries focuses on the historical, geographical and cultural discoveries in China.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Presents to viewer a considerable amount of information.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Current affairs for viewers across Asia.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Following the track of our ancestors to identify and interpret mysteries and cultural implications contained in physical and human geographies. Discoveries focuses on the historical, geographical and cultural discoveries in China.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Presents to viewer a considerable amount of information.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Presents to viewer a considerable amount of information.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Chinese produced television drama.
Chinese produced television drama.
Nostalgia aims to represent Chinese traditional culture by revealing life in villages in the way of story-telling.
Following the track of our ancestors to identify and interpret mysteries and cultural implications contained in physical and human geographies. Discoveries focuses on the historical, geographical and cultural discoveries in China.
Discussing the issues that matter today.
Current affairs for viewers across Asia.