This simple schedule provides the showtime of upcoming and past programs playing on the network Turner Broadcasting System otherwise known as TBS. The show schedule is provided for up to 3 weeks out and you can view up to 2 weeks of show play history.
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Following in his father's footsteps, Rusty Griswold takes his wife and two sons on a cross-country road trip to America's favorite fun park, Walley World.
Gloria insists on a night of salsa dancing with Jay; Cameron goes too far when Mitchell and a friend challenge him to get a hot woman's (Leslie Mann) number; Phil builds a tree house.
Claire tries to help Luke cope with the death of a neighbor; Phil and Alex spend some time together; Haley throws a party without permission; Cameron's father visits.
Phil buys a car without consulting Claire; Jay is on a mission to get to his high-school reunion with Gloria and Manny; Lily loses her favorite toy on a train.
When the family travels to Disneyland, Phil struggles to keep up with Luke; Claire is stunned when they run into Dylan; Cam and Mitch must curb Lily's new penchant for running.
Gloria and Jay bicker while trying to order lunch at a diner; Claire and Cam have different theories on how to discipline kids; Luke accepts an award under false pretenses.
While Gloria helps Cam and Mitch pursue an adoption opportunity, Jay and Manny baby-sit Lily; Alex attends her first prom; Haley makes a shocking announcement about her plans for the future.
Phil takes Jay on an unconventional fishing trip; Gloria wonders how to break the news about her pregnancy; Dylan temporarily moves in with the Dunphys; Cam and Mitch think about adopting a cat.
Phil gets a vasectomy; Gloria and Jay can't agree on whether or not they should find out the sex of the baby; Mitchell tries to steer Cameron toward getting a part-time job.
Claire and Phil embarrass Haley when they drop her off at college; Manny makes Gloria and Jay take a class; Lily gets into a tussle on her first day of kindergarten.
Joey might declare his love for Rachel, or Phoebe; Rachel breaks a pact with Ross; Chandler becomes mister bubble bath.
Joey realizes his intense feelings for Rachel are excluding Ross from the joys of impending fatherhood.
Monica prepares a memorable St. Valentine's Day for Chandler with sexy lingerie and X-rated entertainment.
Joey confesses his true feelings for Rachel; Phoebe introduces Monica to her new boyfriend (Harry Van Gorkum).
Rachel devises a lie about her unborn child that she hopes will break the silence between her and Joey; Phoebe reads tea leaves and predicts she will soon encounter the man of her dreams.
The prison-bound manager (Will Ferrell) of a hedge fund asks a black businessman (Kevin Hart) -- who has never been to jail -- to prepare him for life behind bars.
Following in his father's footsteps, Rusty Griswold takes his wife and two sons on a cross-country road trip to America's favorite fun park, Walley World.
A rookie police officer meets a corrupt Los Angeles narcotics detective who wants to include him in his schemes.
A desperate man (Denzel Washington) takes hostages at a hospital in order to force doctors to save his dying son.
Phil can't accept that Luke wants to quit magic; Gloria's snoring keeps Jay and Manny awake; Mitch and Cam struggle to deal with their reversed role.
Claire must rein in her enthusiasm for Halloween and keep her celebration kid-friendly; Phil decides to hold an open house on Halloween; Mitch and Cam have a costume party; Gloria's hormones make her more quick-tempered than usual.
Jay and Gloria host a yard sale to help with a school fundraiser; Mitch and Cam vet Alex's new friend; Manny finds a trunk full of secrets.
Cameron watches Alex and Luke while Phil, Claire and Mitchell deal with Haley's arrest; Jay tries to cut short a surprise visit from ex-wife Dede (Shelley Long), so she doesn't learn about Gloria's pregnancy.
When Claire, Manny and Luke go to Alex's academic decathlon for the weekend, Phil throws a guys' night at home; Manny and Luke crash bar mitzvahs looking for a girl; Cam and Mitchell get Jay and Gloria a surprise baby gift.
Mitch and Cam try to save an old tree in the park; Jay takes Manny to a kid's Olympics-themed birthday party; Gloria and Claire have an eventful shopping trip.
When Manny and Luke's Little League team makes it to the playoffs, Claire and Cameron search for a field to use; Gloria uses a microphone to sing to the baby.
Jay and the family plan to celebrate New Year's together at a hotel in Palm Springs, but the hotel doesn't meet their expectations; Alex and Haley are faced with challenges as they try to watch the kids back at home.
Gloria and Jay try to make Manny's 14th birthday extra special by planning a surprise party; Haley starts hanging out with a much older guy.
When Gloria's mother and sister visit, they bring traditions, baby names and family baggage; Phil helps the kids with their problems; Mitchell and Cameron try to correct Lily's bad habits.
When the lead in the school's production of ``Phantom of the Opera`` gets sick, Manny is willing to do anything to land the lead; Phil and Jay wind up in a golf-off with Mitch and Pepper; Gloria and Alex visit a psychic.
Phoebe brings her annoyingly upbeat boyfriend to the 35th anniversary of Monica and Ross' parents, who urge Ross and pregnant Rachel to pretend to be married.
When Soap Opera Digest requests an interview, Joey enlists his friends to make sure he does not say anything that could cost him his role.
During her baby shower, Rachel realizes she is unprepared to be a mother and accepts her mother's (Marlo Thomas) offer to move in to help with the child.
A food critic blasts Monica's cooking in a newspaper review; a cute saleswoman (Rena Sofer) riles Rachel when she flirts with Ross; Phoebe coaches Chandler for a job interview.
Monica and Phoebe make a bet after Rachel passes her delivery date; Chandler falls asleep at the premiere screening of Joey's new film.
Master Wu, as wise-cracking as he is wise, leads a fierce team of secret ninja warriors to defeat the evil warlord Garmadon and save NINJAGO City. Animated.
A young man joins forces with Detective Pikachu to unravel the mystery behind his father's disappearance. Chasing clues through the streets of Ryme City, the dynamic duo soon discover a devious plot that poses a threat to the Pokémon universe.
When three different animals become infected with a dangerous pathogen, a primatologist and a geneticist team up to stop them from destroying Chicago.
Unhappy to learn that Penny is seeing someone, Leonard summons the courage to ask another woman on a date.
Penny sleeps on Leonard and Sheldon's couch when Wolowitz seduces her friend and takes over her apartment; in need of a fourth member, the guys ask Penny to join their ``Halo`` team.
Sheldon creates a monster when he introduces Penny to online gaming.
Leonard and Penny are drawn together after a disastrous visit from Leonard's mother (Christine Baranski).
The guys try to figure out who hacked Sheldon's online-game account.
Sheldon plans a video game marathon with the guys instead of attending a birthday party for Amy's aunt.
Leonard keeps an affair a secret from Sheldon, Howard and Raj.
A game threatens Sheldon's relationship with Stephen Hawking; Penny secretly signs up for a college class.
Leonard is less than thrilled when Penny considers accepting a job offer from Zack, her ex-boyfriend.
Sheldon and Amy are devastated after learning from a Russian paper that Super Asymmetry has already been discovered and disproved; Bernadette wants to beat Howard in a popular video game.
When three different animals become infected with a dangerous pathogen, a primatologist and a geneticist team up to stop them from destroying Chicago.
A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit and sends it hurtling on a collision course toward earth.
Steve accidentally shrinks himself and Carl in his transformation machine.
Naked Laura and Urkel unexpectedly meet in the shower.
Urkel, fearing Myra's jealousy, hides his attraction to a fellow bug collector.
Stefan Urquelle calms an unruly class when Steve tries to substitute teach.
Sheldon, Missy and Georgie adapt to new living arrangements; Meemaw opens a gambling room.
Sheldon and Dr. Linkletter struggle to solve an equation; Georgie has a solution for Meemaw's business woes; George Sr. gives advice on Missy's love life.
Missy asks some uncomfortable questions at church; Meemaw and Georgie go into business together.
Sheldon takes his first engineering class with Professor Boucher; Meemaw and Dale help take care of his ex-wife.
Sheldon battles President Hagemeyer's mysterious boss over the university's science requirements; Mary discovers that Georgie is working at Meemaw's illegal gambling room.
Sheldon gets the science yips and has to learn how to not think; George Sr. plays handyman at Brenda Sparks' house.
Rachel goes into labor, enduring endless pain while anxious Ross hovers nearby and her waiting friends wreak havoc in the hospital.
Rachel goes into labor, enduring endless pain while anxious Ross hovers nearby and her waiting friends wreak havoc in the hospital.
Joey finds himself engaged to Rachel soon after she delivers her baby girl, while Phoebe assumes Ross is the one who proposed; Joey sneaks a peek as Rachel tries unsuccessfully to nurse; Monica and Chandler retire to a supply closet for privacy.
Joey seeks forgiveness from Ross, while Rachel tries to quell Emma's incessant crying.
Emma's pediatrician drops her as a patient because of Rachel's constant calls.
Monica fears Chandler has a sexual fetish involving sharks; Phoebe fears losing her boyfriend.
Phoebe grows famished waiting for her tardy chums to show up at her birthday dinner; Rachel frets about leaving Emma with a baby sitter.
Ross mocks Rachel's new male nanny (Freddie Prinze Jr.); Chandler becomes upset when Monica says that somebody from her job is the funniest guy she's ever met.
Chandler and Joey find a videotape while checking out Richard's apartment; Ross sings Emma an off-color lullaby.
Rachel has a bone to pick with her self-centered sister (Christina Applegate) on Thanksgiving; Monica protects her good wedding china; Joey forgets to join his TV cast mates for the Thanksgiving parade.
Rachel impulsively gives her telephone number to a handsome guy but worries he will call when Ross is there.
Monica fears the worst when she learns Chandler will be spending Christmas in Tulsa working on a deadline with a beautiful co-worker (Selma Blair).
Leonard has minor surgery on his nose, causing Sheldon to overreact; Bernadette and Howard work on their marriage.
Sheldon says goodbye to Fun With Flags; Howard, Leonard and Raj look through their dead professor's research; Bernadette learns her co-workers' true feelings.
Leonard and Wolowitz clash over a work emergency; Amy throws a Victorian Christmas party which Sheldon resents.
When the guys agree to do something the girls like, Sheldon and Leonard end up having a confrontation.
Sheldon asks his friends to challenge him in hope of achieving a scientific breakthrough; Wolowitz invents a game about Raj.
Sheldon and Leonard must defend themselves from an online bully's criticism after they co-publish a paper; Bernadette, Penny and Amy confront embarrassing moments during a girls night.
While the gang waits for the reopening of Stuart's comic book store Wolowitz gets some shocking news; Penny has trouble taking her own advice; Leonard and Raj think they spot Nathan Fillion at a restaurant.
Penny and Sheldon design an experiment -- as a joke -- to make participants fall in love; Howard and Bernadette get into trouble at the airport.
Amy finds out that Sheldon applied for a one-way mission to colonize Mars; a trip to the pet store leads to a fight; Leonard has a surprise for Penny; Raj is busted while snooping in Emily's apartment.
A magazine article only credits Sheldon in an article about a paper he co-wrote with Leonard; a blackout at Mrs. Wolowitz's results in a final dinner in her honor.
When Sheldon and Leonard are asked to speak at UC Berkeley, they take a detour in hope of meeting an idol; Raj and Amy try to settle a dispute between Howard and Bernadette with a game of pingpong.
Sheldon and Amy build a blanket fort -- and come to a crossroads in their relationship; Wolowitz meets a half-brother he didn't know he had; Leonard and Penny have an argument during an appearance on Wil Wheaton's podcast.
Jeff, Francine and Roger decide to team up and start their own bus tour business, with murderous results.
After Stan is injured, Francine nurses him back to health and he becomes dependent on her; the family discovers Tuttle is a Korean reality show star.
Stan drags the family to a labyrinth for family game night; Roger gets some geese.
Steve and the boys take part in a prison experiment to earn some cash; Stan deals with the death of his CIA groundskeeper friend.
Steve's efforts to befriend a Swedish exchange student backfire in a big way; the family calls in an animal behaviorist to deal with Klaus.
Stan struggles to cope with the untimely death of his father; a simple canoeing trip does catastrophic damage to Hayley and Jeff's relationship.
Klaus enlists Stan, Roger and Jeff to join him on a wild bachelor party weekend.
Concerned that Hayley is too soft-hearted, Stan attempts to make her farm tough by turning the house into an urban homestead.
When one of Roger's characters falls in love with Dick, it affects the whole family.
Steve pushes Stan to trace the Smith family's ancestry, while Hayley and Francine go under cover as Sub Hub secret shoppers.
Hayley takes off her headband and becomes a businesswoman; Stan plans a party.
Rachel devises a lie about her unborn child that she hopes will break the silence between her and Joey; Phoebe reads tea leaves and predicts she will soon encounter the man of her dreams.
Joey confesses his true feelings for Rachel; Phoebe introduces Monica to her new boyfriend (Harry Van Gorkum).
Monica prepares a memorable St. Valentine's Day for Chandler with sexy lingerie and X-rated entertainment.
Joey realizes his intense feelings for Rachel are excluding Ross from the joys of impending fatherhood.
Joey might declare his love for Rachel, or Phoebe; Rachel breaks a pact with Ross; Chandler becomes mister bubble bath.
Claire and Phil embarrass Haley when they drop her off at college; Manny makes Gloria and Jay take a class; Lily gets into a tussle on her first day of kindergarten.
Phil gets a vasectomy; Gloria and Jay can't agree on whether or not they should find out the sex of the baby; Mitchell tries to steer Cameron toward getting a part-time job.
Phil takes Jay on an unconventional fishing trip; Gloria wonders how to break the news about her pregnancy; Dylan temporarily moves in with the Dunphys; Cam and Mitch think about adopting a cat.
While Gloria helps Cam and Mitch pursue an adoption opportunity, Jay and Manny baby-sit Lily; Alex attends her first prom; Haley makes a shocking announcement about her plans for the future.
Gloria and Jay bicker while trying to order lunch at a diner; Claire and Cam have different theories on how to discipline kids; Luke accepts an award under false pretenses.
When the family travels to Disneyland, Phil struggles to keep up with Luke; Claire is stunned when they run into Dylan; Cam and Mitch must curb Lily's new penchant for running.
Phil buys a car without consulting Claire; Jay is on a mission to get to his high-school reunion with Gloria and Manny; Lily loses her favorite toy on a train.
Claire tries to help Luke cope with the death of a neighbor; Phil and Alex spend some time together; Haley throws a party without permission; Cameron's father visits.
Gloria insists on a night of salsa dancing with Jay; Cameron goes too far when Mitchell and a friend challenge him to get a hot woman's (Leslie Mann) number; Phil builds a tree house.
Following in his father's footsteps, Rusty Griswold takes his wife and two sons on a cross-country road trip to America's favorite fun park, Walley World.
The prison-bound manager (Will Ferrell) of a hedge fund asks a black businessman (Kevin Hart) -- who has never been to jail -- to prepare him for life behind bars.
Marshall Cuso shows up in NYC with a mushroom, that can cure any disease or injury; his old classmate, Frances, meets him by chance, but keeps secret that she works for Reutical, a pharmaceutical company.
The No. 4 Boilermakers face the No. 1 Cougars in the NCAA Tournament Sweet 16. In the second round, LJ Cryer scored 30 points to help Houston fend off Gonzaga and advance to a sixth straight regional semifinal. Purdue took out High Point and McNeese.